One of the most common pain syndromes is associated with the lower back. According to some experts, lower back pain is a kind of revenge of humanity for upright walking, when the greatest load falls on the lumbar spine, which bears the main burden of the mass of the human body. Physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, obesity, stress also have a detrimental effect. For many, back pain (lumbodinia) is so common that it becomes a part of everyday life. It can appear only once and disappear without a trace, or it can always come back again and again, causing considerable suffering.
Many of us are at least once but worried about lower back pain. Statistics say that this type of pain occurs in 90% of the population. The lower back can injure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genitals, monitor menstruation in women. But most often such pains are caused by osteochondrosis - degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. Among all the numerous painful syndromes of osteochondrosis, back pain occupies a leading position.
Lower back pain can be of various natures - painful, caused by a long static load during sitting or sleeping, or a sharp cracking, which occurs with a sudden movement or is caught in an awkward position. All are associated with pinching of nerve roots, as well as spasms, swelling and irritation of muscles and ligaments in the lumbar spine, which occur in osteochondrosis.
Causes of back pain
The lumbosacral spine is under the most stress, and the intervertebral discs (pads between the vertebrae) wear out much faster here. There are many causes of osteochondrosis in the lower back, but there are two main ones: large, long-lasting static loads and sharp maximum loads, which usually occur when bending when lifting heavy loads. Here are a few numbers. According to biomechanics, in the supine position, the intervertebral discs experience a pressure of 50 kg, in the standing position - 100, in the sitting position with a flat back without support - 150, and sitting crouched - 220.
Now calculate how much you sit in one day. . . And how much you bend this time, with a round back. . .
More figures: when the body is tilted forward only 20 ° without a load in the hands - 150, and with a load of only 10 kg (several bags of groceries) - 200 kg, and if tilted even lower, at an angle of 70 °, the loadwill increase to 300 kg. For example, according to biomechanical data, when a person lifts a weight of 50 kg in a forward-leaning position, the load on the spine is 700 kg. Now answer the question for yourself: Do you lift heavy things? And from the floor? And with the tilt and turn?
Back pain can be divided into primary and secondary. As you know, the spine is a series of vertebrae interconnected by elastic tissues - muscles and ligaments. They (other than bone tissue) contain nerve endings and can become a source of back pain.
The causes of primary back pain are the result of pathology of the spine - dystrophic and functional changes in the joints of the spine, intervertebral discs, muscles, tendons, ligaments.
Secondary lower back pain syndrome is associated with traumatic spinal lesions, tumors and infectious processes, diseases of internal organs, osteoporosis and other pathologies. This is a kind of alarm about malfunctions in the body. Particularly common causes of persistent lower back pain are benign and malignant diseases of the pelvic organs (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhea, lesions of large vessels, kidneys, chronic prostatitis, some diseases of the nervous system).
There are five most common causes of back pain:
Osteochondrosis (dorsopathy)- The most common source of pain in the lower back. Examination reveals degenerative diseases of the spine - osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. The height of the intervertebral discs decreases, which leads to a disturbance of the mechanical balance between the structures of the spinal column - hence the constant, quite bearable, but occasionally intensifying pain in the lower back.
Muscle spasm.Have you felt acute lower back pain during intense and excessive physical activity that is not unusual for you? The predisposing factor is a prolonged statically incorrect body position (behind the computer, squatting, bent in half during work in the cottage). As a result, muscle spasm develops, limiting the mobility of a particular part of the spine. Tight muscles become a source of suffering, causing a vicious circle of lower back pain - muscle spasm - pain. This condition can last a long time and cause many uncomfortable minutes. Attention! For persistent lower back pain, especially if it starts quickly and acutely, consult a doctor to identify the underlying conditions and develop a modern and correct treatment.
Disc herniation, spinal cord root compression, is especially common in men older than 40 years. The first symptom of the problem is lumbodinia combined with a number of additional signs: pain along the root from the buttocks to the feet when coughing, sneezing and laughing, difficulty bending and stretching the spine in the lumbar region (this is especially visible when putting on socks and shoes), increased discomfortwhen lifting a straight leg lying on its back. This back pain is often referred to as the outdated term sciatica or the colloquial word lumbago. The pain intensifies in the upright position and disappears in the horizontal position.
Spinal instabilityThis is a typical problem for middle-aged women. It is manifested by back pain, worsened by long-term physical activity and standing. At the same time there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to lie down. The disease is caused by damage to the disc or intervertebral joint and often occurs in the background of moderate obesity. It is difficult for such patients not to bend, but to straighten up, to make "additional" movements.
Narrow spinal canal.The most common symptom is pain at rest combined with pain when walking. It extends along the root from the buttocks to the feet, while always hurting, even lying down or sitting, to the extent that it is impossible to sit on the "painful" buttocks. Narrow spinal canal syndrome is a consequence of degenerative changes, proliferation of bone and joint structures of the spine, which leads to damage to the roots of the spinal nerves.
Also, you have a real chance to feel back pain on your own skin if:
- Overweight
- Do you like summer houses
- Spend a lot of time driving a car or computer
- Leads mostly sedentary (office workers) or standing way (salesmen, waiters, street signatories, surgeons)
- Overload at the gym or fitness club. Be extremely careful if you have recently started exercising.
- Do dynamic physical work with a sharp change of body position (especially if your specialty is associated with heavy physical activity)
Additional risk for women:
- You are pregnant or have recently given birth
- Reached postmenopause, suitable for the development of osteoporosis
What to do with back pain:
And now, based on the above reasons, the same promised advice for those who want to reduce chronic lumbar discomfort, as well as prevent the occurrence of lower back pain.
- Spend less time sitting. And if you still have to, sit in the correct position.
- If you sit for a long time, be sure to take breaks every hour to make a few movements (extensions, bends, simple walking, etc. ).
- Do not lift heavy objects. If you have to lift them, use the rules for lifting heavy things.
- Tighten your abdominal muscles as if closing tight pants. The abdominal muscles support the lumbar spine and by straining the abdomen you gently relieve the lower back.
- Exercise regularly for the spine and strengthening the muscular corset. Strong muscles will help you get rid of excess stress in the lower back in any position. A flexible spine will help avoid squeezing blood vessels and nerve endings.
- Find yourself a comfortable orthopedic mattress.
Also, for back pain, your doctor will usually recommend:
- The specialist may prescribe muscle relaxants to relieve muscle cramps, as well as diuretics and vascular medications to reduce nerve root swelling and improve blood circulation in the affected area.
- Relax for 2-5 days. As a rule, we are talking about resting in bed on a hard, flat surface.
- Take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs — nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are available in the form of tablets, solutions for injection and ointments.
- Wear a special bandage if necessary.
- Take a course of physical therapy to solidify the positive effect when your well-being improves. Physiotherapy procedures (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis), as well as massages and physiotherapy exercises relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and stop the inflammatory process
- Resort to topical therapy with ointments and gels containing analgesic, anti-inflammatory or warming components.
Recently, doctors have available double-acting agents - analgesics and muscle relaxants (relaxing muscles), which is very important in the treatment of pain syndrome in pathology of the musculoskeletal system and muscle spasms. These are drugs that have a triple action - analgesic, muscle relaxation and neuroprotective (protect nerve cells from damage). In fact, we are talking about a fundamentally new approach to treating back pain.
Regardless of the cause of lower back pain, it is impossible to determine with certainty. If the back does not give rest day or night, it is better to consult a specialist in a timely manner who will tell you the tactics of treatment. All of these tips will help you prevent and reduce discomfort in your lumbar spine. But if you have acute lower back pain and sacrum, do not delay a visit to the doctor. Give the final diagnosis to a specialist! Lower back pain has various causes, which are not necessarily related to the pathology of the spine. In the case of back pain and lumbago, computed tomography (showing the condition of the bone tissue of the spine) and magnetic resonance imaging (allowing the assessment of soft tissue condition) are recommended. As a rule, most patients recover within 2-3 months, only a small number of patients with complaints of lumbodia discover serious diseases.